lllllll tttt l:::::l ttt:::t l:::::l t:::::t l:::::l t:::::t uuuuuu uuuuuu aaaaaaaaaaaaa rrrrr rrrrrrrrr eeeeeeeeeeee l::::l ooooooooooo ssssssssss ttttttt:::::ttttttt u::::u u::::u a::::::::::::a r::::rrr:::::::::r ee::::::::::::ee l::::l oo:::::::::::oo ss::::::::::s t:::::::::::::::::t u::::u u::::u aaaaaaaaa:::::ar:::::::::::::::::r e::::::eeeee:::::ee l::::l o:::::::::::::::oss:::::::::::::s t:::::::::::::::::t u::::u u::::u a::::arr::::::rrrrr::::::re::::::e e:::::e l::::l o:::::ooooo:::::os::::::ssss:::::stttttt:::::::tttttt u::::u u::::u aaaaaaa:::::a r:::::r r:::::re:::::::eeeee::::::e l::::l o::::o o::::o s:::::s ssssss t:::::t u::::u u::::u aa::::::::::::a r:::::r rrrrrrre:::::::::::::::::e l::::l o::::o o::::o s::::::s t:::::t u::::u u::::u a::::aaaa::::::a r:::::r e::::::eeeeeeeeeee l::::l o::::o o::::o s::::::s t:::::t u:::::uuuu:::::u a::::a a:::::a r:::::r e:::::::e l::::l o::::o o::::ossssss s:::::s t:::::t tttttt u:::::::::::::::uu a::::a a:::::a r:::::r e::::::::e l::::::lo:::::ooooo:::::os:::::ssss::::::s t::::::tttt:::::t u:::::::::::::::u a:::::aaaa::::::a r:::::r e::::::::eeeeeeee l::::::lo:::::::::::::::os::::::::::::::s tt::::::::::::::t ...... uu::::::::uu:::u a::::::::::aa:::ar:::::r ee:::::::::::::e l::::::l oo:::::::::::oo s:::::::::::ss tt:::::::::::tt .::::. uuuuuuuu uuuu aaaaaaaaaa aaaarrrrrrr eeeeeeeeeeeeee llllllll ooooooooooo sssssssssss ttttttttttt ......

- STACKSMA.SH's QR Code Creator Tool available here.

- Looking for the (previously censored) Microsoft Exchange Exploit for CVE-2021-26855?
PoC_proxyLogon.py available here.

- Canon EOS Webcam Utility VERSION 0.9.0 BETA. This version allows cameras like t3i
and other versions that supposedly "do not work" according to Canon's Offical Website.
Except, They DID work - for exactly one revision of the driver, 0.9.0 Beta. I have no
idea what or why something got changed, but whatever they did to the code destroyed
the ability for a few DSLRs to work as webcams. If you're having problems with using the
"Official Canon EOS Webcam Utility, try this one. The SHA/MD5s should match with
archive.org's snapshot (if it still exists).

- Download Link For MacOS EOSWebcamUtilityBeta-MAC0.9.0.pkg here.

- Download Link For Windows EOSWebcamUtilityBeta-WIN0.9.0.zip here.